Heart Space
The self-expressive art-making process for personal development, self-discovery, self-understanding, and self-actualization. One-to-one or in a group.
Feelings from the past, together with feelings from the present, colors, lines, form of images, patterns can have meanings that go beyond what is seen or not seen.
There is a space…
In group sessions, we provide unique creative experiences that each person can work on from their own spirit and perspective. Seeking out balance and a sense of wellness.
In both individual and group sessions, it will be important for the participant to express what they need to express from where they are. Breathe & just be…
The reality is you are the center or your own universe, interconnected with all others and everything, and you create your own energy to participate in this creative process of life.
‘I create my own energy…’
Self-expressive, creative, art journal making. A process of self-discovery and self-understanding.
The power of therapeutic art journal making when our subconscious pathway speaks through the timeline of the art
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
-Victor Frankl
In supportive community one can process loss and grief, and find new ways to reconnect and stay connected with those who have passed.
Creating art pieces, such as quilting, from keepsakes, souvenirs, and mementos of the loved one who has passed can help us remember that they are always with us.
Healing from trauma, loss, and grief. Elevating and sublimating moods and feelings of depression. Calming fear and anxiety. Finding center and breathing fresh air again. Wellness support.